UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator)ī:Update() ( enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at :0) Ultimately, this results in the following assert:īoltAssertFailedException: Assert Failed:ī (System.Boolean condition, System.String message) (at :0)ī (Bolt.Entity entity) (at :0)ī ( state) (at :0)ī+d_9.MoveNext () (at :0)
If I spawn new non-persistent entities from within SceneLoadLocalDone, those entities wind up getting destroyed immediately as the prior scene transition completes. I've noticed that when I transition scenes, SceneLoadLocalDone callbacks of GlobalEventListeners in the new scene are invoked before the process of destroying all non-persistent entities upon scene transition is complete. 'StartGameCommand': 'C:\\Assets\\Playfab.exe', 'StartGameCommand': 'Playfab.exe -batchmode -nographics' 'LocalFilePath': 'C:\\DATA\\UNITY3D\\MyProjects\\Playfab\\Playfab\\Playfab2.zip'